Advanced filter dialog box
This topic describes the purpose of the Advanced filter dialog box and all the settings and buttons on it.
This feature requires your account to be configured with the ESPA analysis center screen.
The Advanced filter dialog box, opened by clicking , on the ESPA analysis center's CDR data, Sector data and Geo-loc data tabs allows you to filter the content of these tabs using multiple filters. For example, on the CDR data tab, you may want to only display the calls between two phone numbers for a particular tower reference number.
When an advanced filter is applied to a tab, the column title on the tab is displayed in blue font and the button is displayed with a box around it.
Select which of the tab's columns you want to include in the filter. You can set a filter to use multiple columns, and which ones you have set are listed alongside Selected columns.
Use to search for the string that you want to filter for.
This displays all the column names you selected to include in the filter using Columns.
Click to close the dialog box without applying any changes you may have made.
Click to apply any changes you have made. The dialog box closes automatically.